Re: SERIOUS suppresion of academic/political speach at deakin

Julian Assange (
Sat, 14 Jan 1995 15:48:31 +1100 (EST)

> It's different in many respects.  In my opinion, one respect in which
> it does not differ is that it's inappropriate material for bugtraq, or
> more precisely that I have not yet seen anything that makes me think it
> is appropriate.  Your first sentence, above, reads "produced ...
> material critical of AARNet security action would be taken ...", but it
> doesn't indicate whether the comma would go after "AARNet" or after
> "security".  If the latter, there may well be some
> appropriate-for-bugtraq information involved - though even then, not
> unless software bugs were involved, I would say.
It should have been "AARNet security, action".

ie the paper I am writing shows holes in AARNet security which allows
serious fraud.
